Why Malta Limited
A company may have the status of a public or private company. Private limited companies are by far the most common form of company incorporated in Malta. We at Dr. Kresse International Law Firm advise about company structures and all other necessary legal and formal aspects, when it comes to your decision for Malta as hub for your business activities.
In the Financial Services area, licenses are necessary for companies wanting to do business as credit institutions, insurance companies, investment firms and trustee companies.
Types of Malta Companies
Malta companies may take various forms, including mainly the following:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Cooperative
- Limited Liability Company (private or public)
- Branch of an Overseas Company
- Protected Cell Companies/Incorporated Cell Companies/Recognised Incorporated Cell Companies – mainly in the fund and insurance sectors
- SICAV - Société d’investissement à capital variable – open ended investment vehicle
- Trust (wide variety)
- Foundation (private or purpose foundations)
Maltese company law derives chiefly from civil or 'Roman' law, rather than common law. The Companies Act 1995 has set up a new regime for commercial entities under the control of the Malta Business Registry (MBR).
Why a Private Malta Limited?
Depending on the client’s business interests, there are various reasons for the choice of a Malta Limited, such as:
- The Malta Limited has a minimal capital requirement of (rounded up) Euro 1200, of which only 20% need to be paid up
- The company formation process in Malta is short; registration fees are low
- Your personal presence in Malta is not necessary
- Subject to approval by the Malta Business Registry, you may choose any name for the company to be incorporated
- No withholding taxes, stamp duties or exchange control restrictions apply on distribution of profits from the Maltese Company to non-resident shareholders. Dividends can be expatriated without any restrictions
- Favourable Tax system (Fiscal Unit) and full tax exemption on participating holdings
- Highest level of privacy protection
- Annual general and other meetings may be held outside Malta